Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day message from the North Central Province Polemarch.

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North Central Province Polemarch's

Memorial Day Message


Today, we gather to remember the heroes from each generation who have lost their lives protecting our freedom.  Intertwined in the journey of Kappa Alpha Psi is the story of good Kappa men who loved our country so deeply that they were willing to  give their all to keep it safe and free.  When the call to serve came, they instinctively answered "I'll go" to protect their country and their brothers in arms.

Memorial Day is a solemn reminder that preserving our exceptional democracy often comes with a heavy cost.  To those we lost, we owe a profound debt that can never be fully repaid. But we can honor the fallen by caring for their loved ones and keeping faith with our veterans and their fellow brothers and sisters in arms.  Let us remember their service, honor their sacrifice, and celebrate their memory.  

So, as you are tending to the grill this afternoon, or spending time with family and friends, pause to reflect that the freedoms that we enjoy this day were earned by the sacrifices of those who came before.  Let us do all that we can so that their sacrifice has not been in vain.

There is a quote that says, "...we can't all be heroes, some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by."  I ask that you join me today as I clap for those Kappa heroes as their memory proverbially goes by.

Korlon L. Kilpatrick II
23rd North Central Province Polemarch
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